Seeking Real Truth Minisitries - Seeking Higher Faith In Our Lord Jesus Christ

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About Seeking Real Truth Ministries

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Who is Mark John, and why is he building Seeking Real Truth Ministries?

Mark John (he doesn't wear that hat much anymore, but he still likes the look) in Marina Del Rey, CA. March 2003.The call to create this ministry came to Mark John ('mj') in around June 2002. mj is a man who has had his ups and downs in his walk with the Lord. When he received the call for this ministry, mj truly ran from it. Through trials, temptations, sins, and sufferings, the Lord has brought mj into real repentance, into a truly obedient walk with the Lord, and to live his life in accordance with the Lord?s will. mj is fully committed to the advancement of the kingdom of heaven, and to the work to which he has been called. Through it all, mj learned many things from the Lord, including the fact that when God calls one into ministry, he does not take "no" for an answer (Jonah).

During mj?s restoration, which began in December 2003, the Lord caused him to read the bible through in 25 days. In that time, the Lord revealed to mj the nature of his personal sins, and the reality of God?s free and full forgiveness, mercy, and grace. It was during this time that mj began to understand what it meant to ?humble yourself before the Lord? (James 4:10).

Immediately after mj completed the first read through of the bible, the Lord prompted him to read through it again. This second time, which took about 45 days, the Lord revealed to mj His truth, and also gave him the gift of discernment to identify the many deceptive teachings in evangelical churches. This troubled mj greatly, and during this time he began writing the first draft of ?My Quest For Truth ? Seeking A Higher Faith?, a book in which mj reveals his past in a confessional manner, why he believed it was a Quest for Truth he had experienced and continues to experience to this day, and the truth God has revealed and continues to reveal to him through it. This same truth will be continually revealed to you if you also read through your bible completely, and in an ongoing manner, while allowing God to speak directly to your heart. In this book, mj will tell you in no uncertain terms how God revealed this to him and will give you the tools to begin your own Quest for Truth.

Shortly after the first draft of the book was completed, mj fell back into his sinful lifestyle for a short time, about six weeks or so. Convicted of his sin once more, and having been praying for full restoration for his own personal comfort and selfish reasons, he finally surrendered completely to the Lord?s will for him in his life. He started by first praying, ?Lord, I have been praying for restoration and things to improve my life. You seem to have turned a deaf ear to my pleas. I just do not know how to pray anymore. I believed I was praying for the advancement of your kingdom, but I fear I am praying still only for my own comfort. I am desperately seeking your kingdom but just don?t know how. You know my heart, Lord. Show me how to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, as you said in your word. Give to me the ability to do what I simply do not have the ability within myself to do. Nothing else matters to me anymore but to serve you fully. In Jesus Name, Amen.?

After several weeks of praying only for this, forcing himself to attend church, and forcing himself to read the bible again on a daily basis, mj still was not certain that he was under God?s grace. His period of unemployment was approaching 2 years, and despite sending out resumes, he received only approximately 1% return call rate, and most of those were headhunters.

Though he believed he had forgiven those who had caused harm to him in the past, Satan put a thought into his head to harm the one who caused him the most harm. mj began to foster that idea, an idea so atrocious and so evil that when it was finally carried out to completion five years later, four people would have like died, three by suicide and one by murder.

Suddenly mj realized was holding onto bitterness. This was the last straw, and mj pleaded in tears to the Lord, prostrate on his face, to remove all bitterness, anger, and hatred he had been harboring all his life. ?Lord, this plan Satan has put in my mind, I have been nurturing it, allowing it to grow and wallowing in the satisfaction of the results. I cannot have it. It is too evil. Please, Lord, I cannot live in this life anymore with this plan in my mind. Please, take me from this life, or restore me and give me peace according to your will. No other option is acceptable. Please Lord, do it now. I cannot live with this bitterness, anger and rage. In Jesus name, Amen?

One Sunday in the middle of August 2004, mj had once again returned to church for several weeks. As was his attitude for during that time, he could not sing praise and worship, and could not share the peace of God with fellow believers. He simply stood in church during the music and readings, and sat, but never opened his mouth. He could not even remove his dark sunglasses inside the sanctuary of the Lord. On that day, mj took a small step in faith to begin the work of Seeking Real Truth Ministries by reaching out to Christians in pain and who have been confused. He offered the comfort of God?s word, and prayed with them. In the process he endured much persecution, even from those who professed to be Christian. But he found himself rejoicing rather than cursing, as had been his pattern in the past.

On that day, and because of his step in faith and obedience, the Lord opened the floodgates of blessings on mj. Suddenly the veil was removed, and he saw the Lord for what he really was ? a good, merciful, God with boundless wisdom. Suddenly, despite being faced with certain homelessness, he was completely at peace with God. He had come to realize that God indeed does provide in his time. But to get here, he had to learn how to seek first the kingdom of God, so that all these things could be added onto him. He also had to acknowledge humbly before the Lord that he just did not know how to do that, and to ask the Lord to give him that ability.

mj received so many spiritual blessings in that week that he had no choice but to give those blessings to others. He simply did not have the room within himself to keep them. And yet the more he gave, the more he received, and he still receives blessings daily from the Father. Click here to read more about the incedible blessings during that first week of reconciliation to God, and the beginning of his walk in obedience.

This website is a work of love and a step of faith and obedience in the establishing of Seeking Real Truth Ministries. On this website, mj shares the blessings he has received, the blessings that matter ? the forgiveness, mercy, love, faithfulness, and understanding of God. Through his new life in obedience, the Lord has blessed mj with a profoundly powerful prayer life that reaches across continents. mj has learned that if we come to the Lord in prayer for anything, what we pray for will indeed be granted if we have the proper motivation ? to advance the kingdom of God (James 4).

mj has learned what things are proper to pray for, and what things are better left not brought to the alter of God for requests (advancement of the kingdom of heaven prayers v. selfish prayers). But most importantly he learned that it is not enough to know that the motivation for what we pray for is to be for the advancement of the kingdom of God, but we actually have to be walking in strict obedience to the Lord?s will for us in our lives, and we have to live a life of advancing the kingdom. He further realized that we do not have that ability within ourselves, but we have to rely on God to give that ability to us. He understood that to trust God entirely is not something we are able to do without His giving that ability to us. It is nothing we have within ourselves to be able to do; it is a gift of God.

mj finally came to understand what praising, worshipping, and trusting the Lord really means, and cannot go long without singing praises and giving worship to the Lord. But he also remains cautious and grounded ? he does not want anyone to look upon him as someone better than anyone else. For pride has been one of mj?s sins in the past, and he is resisting every temptation that will result in him being seen in God?s eyes as prideful. As far as what mankind thinks of mj, he simply doesn?t care, and lives by the statement found in Galatians 1:10. He firmly holds onto the belief that if he seeks the approval of man, he is not a servant of the Lord.

mj has been given the gifts of discernment between truth and lies, intercessory prayer, and the ability to teach and encourage in faith. Other gifts that have been bestowed upon him are either private between him and the Lord, or have not yet been revealed.

The Lord called mj to begin this ministry, and to seek out others who are desperately seeking truth in God, and are desperately seeking his kingdom regardless of what man thinks of them.

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